
[a pain not fading.]

A couple of weeks ago, I had a very odd dream. I was with a group of friends, in Japan, in a class making okonomiyaki. For some reason, I ended up in the room by myself, with the instructor. Suddenly, an old lady walked up to me, and said, "Good job. I'm proud of you."  I started crying in the dream. My girlfriend shook me awake, nothing a change in my breathing pattern. I wiped my eyes, and realized I was crying. I was crying in my sleep. I vividly remember this lady. She was just a simple, old, Japanese woman, but she carried the aura of my Mom.  ...I miss my Mom... 

[growth, sustain, death, and looking forward] - AtlasOmega 2024 Retrospective

 2024 was probably one of the best and worst years for me. I'll explain. Let's start from the top. January through July was by far the best my 2024 could have been. Outside of work struggles, FGC related stuff was nothing but growth and finding my groove with UNI2. Finally breaking out of pools, and placing well at Frosty Faustings, Crossover Arc, and Slashback. It slowed down for me a bit right before EVO, but I still did pretty well, all things considered. I was also given the opportunity to volunteer at all of the above events. I learned a lot when it comes to bracket running and overall event running, and have been taking those skills to my own local, making it better than ever.  During each of these events, I was able to hangout with a ton of people and it's really showed me I have a lot of friends in this community. This is something I've always questioned, as I'm relatively standoffish by nature. It may not seem that way now, but that just shows how much I...

[rest in power mother atlas.]

Family is important to me, this includes found family. My family dynamic is also different. My grandparents raised me since I was a baby, so I refer to them as Mom and Dad. My birth mother is in my life and I'm on good terms with my birth father. All this to say, what you'll find below was not easy for my to write. On Monday morning, 2:37am, while hanging out with people after CoN, I received a text message from my Dad. My Mom had suffered a stroke and had brain bleeding. I quickly excused myself and left the hotel and called my Dad in the parking lot. My Uncle answered the phone. He told me that it's not looking good and that she was in a coma. I broke down crying on the curb for a while. When I walked back to the front of the hotel, Javo, Funkyard, and Gio were there. They could all tell from the look on my face, and I just broke down again. I stayed there for quite some time.  As I tried to make sense and process everything, I had multiple people come up to me and check ...

[life, struggles, pain, and prosperity] - AtlasOmega's 2023 Retrospective

2023…Where do I even begin? Starting off the year, it was pretty slow FGC related. Besides some networking early in the year, not much happened. I wasn’t able to travel due to a PDO blackout with work, which led me to missing both Crossover Arc 2023 and Slashback, two events I really wanted to go to. The work project was one of the hardest ones I’ve had to do, which led me into some pretty bad moods, as some of my friends may know. Fast forward to Combo Breaker, and man, this is when I realized that I was not the same person I was years ago. I felt like my social anxiety, something that’s haunted me since high school, was no longer there. I hung out and met so many people at CB, and got closer with many more. It was truly an unforgettable weekend. This continued into Taku, where I started to really figure out what my tribe was. Just casually hanging out with people during and outside of the events were really fun. A lot of new, very important memories were made. I also decided to go to...